Sunday, August 24, 2008

Seize the Day!

It seems every year around this time, there is a common observation that many parents share. And it is that our kids grow up way too fast.
I think it must have something to do with the time of year, you know back to school which means back to schedules and routines, after a 2 1/2 month summer break from it all. We tend to get into a mode of planning and goal setting and making long to-do lists. And as you are shopping for those new backpacks and pencil boxes and clothes a size bigger than last year, all of a sudden you realize that your "babies" aren't babies anymore. In fact, they are now going into 6th grade (or jr. high or high-school)! Where did the time go? we lament, and then sigh as we realize all of the things we were going to do with them or teach them last year never actually happened and we hope that the time won't pass as quickly this year as it did before!

Does this sound familiar?

I have been thinking about this lately as I have had a chance to reflect on some recent conversations I've had with my neighbors.

Last week when we had that wonderful drop in temperature, everyone came out of the woodwork and the entire neighborhood gathered to chat and watch the kids play. We know all of our neighbors and especially enjoy being out in the Spring and Fall, but we hadn't seen much of eachother most of the summer, because it was too hot to play outside unless you were in someone's pool, so everyone just kept to themselves. So it was fun to have a few nights to hang out before school started. The common theme of the conversation was obviously about school starting and who had what teacher and everything else related. But it was this lament of our kids growing up too fast that had me in sort of a confusion.

Here's why...

You see at the very beginning of Summer (I think the 1st Monday or Tuesday of vacation) we were all sitting out there chatting as usual, this time about school being out and plans for the next few months. I remember one mom wondering what in the world she was going to "do" with her children all summer because it was only the 2nd day of vacation and the kids were driving her crazy! Now fast forward 2 months to our converstaion last week, and it seems like quite a contradiction right?

What is wrong with this picture???

Why do we spend half of our lives wishing our children would grow up or be independent or reach the next milestone.... and the other half of our lives wishing they were young again, reminicsing and wondering where the time has gone?

Have you ever heard the saying: Carpe Diem? It's Latin for SEIZE THE DAY!

I want to challenge you to live in the day God has given you. Stop and enjoy the wonders of creation today and praise Him for all of it. Every part of your day should reflect God's grace and mercy in your life. He has given you this moment. Now use it to glorify Him- there should be no regrets. That doesn't mean you are to "live it up" as some people would say as they use that to justify their sin, but rather "Choose this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." And to "offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God..." Also read the book of Ecclesiastes if you want more encouragement to seize the day!

Many people have asked me about homeschooling over the years and while I am most certainly still learning with each year that goes by, I can honestly say that I have no regrets. I believe that the Lord brought us on this journey to teach me far more than I ever would have learned had I not chosen to answer this call. It has been a difficult road at times as I have had to learn to fall on my knees daily and yield to the Master plan which goes much further and deeper than how many math facts my children learn that day.

It is this kind of "seizing" that our Father will help us to do throughout our day- whether it's taking the time to listen to a story from one child, or serving one of "the least of these" together or praying and restoring relationships with another after they have sinned, or laughing at a silly joke, or just "being there" when they have a question- it is not our first nature to stop doing what we have on our "to-do" list for a minute and live in the moment.

So, while I have done better some days than others, I can honestly say that I have no regrets. That doesn't mean I don't mess up- no, I am pretty good at that most every day- but it means that I have learned to enjoy each precious day that God has given me with my boys and husband and delight in being there to watch them grow and learn. For those that don't homeschool, you have an even bigger challenge- make sure you seize those few precious hours after school and on the weekends, and by all means- take the time to teach and disciple and love your kids... you are still the most important teacher they'll ever have!

Carpe Diem!!!

A few pictures of us seizing the last days of summer:

And here is Nathan right after we received our big box of curriculum- he had found his readers and organized them right away. He was so excited to have his own set of books to read this year. Let's see if he still has that much enthusiasm after this first week of school! Pray for us as we start a new school year and our last one without our Little Sister!

1 comment:

God's Girl said...

We are also in the process of adopting a little sister from Russia!

Prayers to you and your family!!!

All for Jesus,

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