Sunday, November 6, 2011

Today is...

the day for Christians around the nation and the world to STAND for the ORPHAN. We are a people called to defend the fatherless... to care for the child that has no family... to visit the orphan in their distress.

Today is Orphan Sunday 2011.  

Yes, as believers this should be what we do EVERYDAY. But sadly we are too wrapped up in our own lives to stop and think about what it is that God might be asking us to do for someone else. Specifically someone who has no one else to stand up for them, pray for them and LOVE them.

Today will you stop for even a few minutes to cry out to God on behalf of the orphan? Will you stop and consider what your role is in caring for the orphan? I have said this so many times, but will say it again. Not every one is called to adopt. (although you might be) But every one can care for the orphan. Seriously. EVERY ONE.

There are SO MANY ways you can get involved, but if you just need somewhere to start you can GO HERE. Or you can email me and I'd be happy to pray with you and give you some helpful tips as well. :)

There is going to be an awesome LIVE event happening TONIGHT at 6pm central time (5pm for all my local friends!) I am hoping to be able to sit down as a family and watch it and pray and worship together tonight. Even if you had no idea what Orphan Sunday was before today or just want to be able to pray and hear God's heart for the fatherless... Click HERE to get more details.

Grabbed this picture off the Children's Hopechest facebook page and couldn't resist sharing.

Today is Orphan Sunday, what is missing??? 

Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17

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