Wednesday, June 10, 2009


To everyone who sent messages, comments, and emails after my last post: THANK YOU.

God has used each and every one of you to bless us in an amazing way. I could literally feel the prayers of so many who had gone to the Lord on our and Elliana's behalf last weekend.

Last Friday when I posted the update, my emotions were still raw. I was still feeling the pain and disappointment of the news we had received and wanted to be able to share with our friends and family right away. It was a hard day. And I chose to be honest about how hard it was.

But since Saturday morning, I have felt a strange sense of peace about it all. A quiet confidence that knows and trusts that God is in control of all things... including this situation.
That's not to say I am not still saddened by the reality that we may not see our baby until she's one year old, but I know there must be a bigger purpose in it than what I can see and what makes sense to me. And I am realizing that I'll never figure out why things happen the way they do.

So, I am making the choice to respect the mystery of God's providence.

I have made a new "to-do" list and Randy and I have been making plans. I am no longer going to live by the "maybe she'll be home by such and such" motto, but rather the "Choose this day whom you will serve" motto! And I pray we will live each day to the fullest and glorify our God in doing so.

Thank you so much again. You have ministered to my heart and soul this week and I am praising the Lord for you!


Noel said...

your response ministered to me. I will choose this day who I will serve and respect the mystery of God's divine providence. Thank you for your transparency.

Tina said...

I love to hear you are in God's peace. Your right we will never understand, and so we may as well live life to the fullest and not on hold like you said. There is nothing better than being in God's peace!

Unknown said...

I will choose this day as well to serve HIM. Thank you for letting God speak his words through you. She will be here soon. I just know God has this all under control. Still praying all our babies home. Blessings,

Sam Lowry said...

My wife and I will finally receive our adopted son from South Korea after a two year wait.

I found your site interesting since your religion is clearly a prominent part of your life while my wife and I are aethists (this was actually the main factor that made us interested in first dating one another).

In looking at your website it occured to me how different the upbringing of adopted children will be depending on the parents. Presumably decent people all, simply with different sets of values.

Take care and warm wishes.

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